Tailored support for new schools


Kingswood Parks Primary School in Hull was a brand-new school. The teaching staff were newly appointed and were moving into a newly developed, state of the art building. Headteacher Carolyne Bellamy had lots of plans to put into place before the children joined in the new school year. From building-related requirements to making sure all day-to-day caretaking and maintenance jobs were taken care of, there was a huge amount to think about.


Facilities Manager Steve Parrish worked with the school to develop a tailored service, taking into account the size of the building, the number of pupils and the age of the building.

Covering everything from mechanical and electrical maintenance to cleaning solutions and legionella checks, the service solution makes sure Kingswood Parks Primary School is legally compliant and well maintained. A Facilities Officer was put in place at the school throughout the day, with the wider Sewell team there for the staff 24/7, 365 days a year. By appointing Sewell Facilities Management to take care of all building related requirements, it lightened Miss Bellamy’s load.


The school has support throughout the year and a consistent point of contact on the ground, with added support from the wider Sewell team, ensuring a constant high level of service. All equipment in the school, such as boilers, has an asset tag, which means it is monitored to ensure services and repairs are carried out at the right time. When it comes to replacing important pieces of equipment, Sewell Facilities Management ensures they’re replaced at the optimum time for economic and performance reasons.


“Sewell FM care about the school as much as we do and will make sure the building looks as good in 10 years’ time as it did when we first opened the doors.”



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